Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults
Designated Person and Director: Stephen Sherry. Tel: 07301246329 Email: safeguardingdirector@dromorediocese.org
Chair, Safeguarding Committee: Mrs Bridget Mc Conville, Diocesan Safeguarding committee, c/o Diocesan Office, Bishop’s House, Armagh Road, Newry, Co. Down BT35 6PN
Tel: 028 3026 2444
You can also contact:National Board for Safeguarding in the Catholic Church in Ireland: www.safeguarding.ie Towards Healing: www.towardshealing.ie Helpline 0800 0963315 ( Northern Ireland) 1800 303416 ( Rep of Ireland) PSNI: Call 101
Review of Safeguarding Practice 13th October 2023
The Diocese of Dromore has published the Report of the Second Review of Child Safeguarding Practice in the Diocese undertaken by the National Board for Safeguarding Children in the Catholic Church in Ireland at the invitation of Archbishop Eamon Martin, Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese. Please click here to download the report.
Dromore Redress Scheme
Click here to download the Dromore Redress Scheme Claim Form
Click here to visit the Redress Scheme Website.
Policy Statement
Please click the links below each heading to download documents
Dromore diocese, Policies and procedures/guidance
Parish resources
Children's liturgy consent form
Job description children's - liturgy
Job description altar - server
Guidance for Clergy on writing references
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Diocese of Dromore Adult Safeguarding Policy
Use of social media
Good practice with digital platforms
Use of digital platform- risk assessment
How to make a complaint
Strategic Plan
Vetting Application Guidance Notes (Sept 2021)
Guidance on Creating an NI Direct Account & Processing an Access NI Application
Identity Verification Form & List of Acceptable Documents
Confidential Declaration Form (Sept 2021)
Other documents
GAP Papers-National Board for Safeguarding Children
GAP Paper 3 Caring Pastorally and Managing Respondents
GAP Paper 2 Compassionate Response to Complainants
GAP Paper 1 Child Safeguarding and Digital Media
Useful Sites

There may also be helpful advice and information on the following websites: