Historical Society Talk: The Irish in New York
Monday 22nd January 2024: @7:30pm – Dromore Diocesan Historical Society will host an online lecture by Geoff Cobb entitled “From Poverty to Power: the Irish in New York”.
We are delighted to welcome back our New York contributor, Geoff Cobb. Geoff, the author of four books on Brooklyn history, and a 2021 publication entitled, “The Irish in New York: Profiles of New Yorkers who have Shaped the Empire State”, is vice president for local history for the New York Irish History Round Table and a regular contributor to Irish America magazine. The ZOOM room will open at 7:20pm. The talk will start at 7:30pm sharp. A link to the talk can be obtained by e-mailing the Hon Secretary goss.jjm@gmail.com and will be forwarded on Monday 22 January